Now, technology has made available unprecedented quantities of information, and it is providing it nearinstantaneously on an absolutely massive scope. No longer can Wall Street banks and brokers pass privileged information through a byzantine network to their best clients, leaving the scraps for retail investors.
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Data and analytics software are pervasive and they are cheap. Information, the lifeblood of financial markets, has been democratized via technology. 7 FOREWORD Wesley Gray PhD, CEO, Alpha Architect The finance industry is changing. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these markets.

Futures, options, and currency trading all have large potential rewards, but they also have large potential risks. Trading securities is not suitable for everyone. There is substantial risk of loss associated with trading securities, options, and futures-a trader may lose all or substantially all of his capital. No representation is being made that the use of this strategy or any system or trading methodology outlined in this book will generate profits. The information in this book is provided “as-is” and is not guaranteed to be complete or current. Acknowledgments Glossary Of Terms Appendix I Appendix II 6 DISCLOSURE The Global Macro Edge: Maximizing Return Per Unit-of-Risk was published for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to provide investment advisory services nor to buy or sell any securities, futures, options, or currencies. Compensation Based on Return per Unitof-Risk Chapter Where Do We Go From Here? 23. Investing Chapter Paying for Returns in Context: Manager 22. Chapter Risk Budgets – The X Factor in 21. Our Biggest Enemy Chapter The MPACT! of Automation 20. Positioning Chapter Emotions Are Our Greatest Ally, Not 19.
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Qualitative and Quantitative Approach – Jessica Hoversen Chapter How to Quantify and Visualize Market 18. the Paradigm Shift – Bob Savage Chapter Trading the Economic Calendar: A 17.

IMPLEMENTATION Chapter Diversification Isn’t Enough – Spotting 16. Isn’t Always Your Friend Chapter Finding the Follow-Up Trade to a 15. Classes Around the World – Patrick Hemminger Chapter Mean Reversion Strategies – The Trend 14. Narrative – Neil Azous Chapter “Dirty Arbitrage” Spread Trading Asset 13. Elliott Wave Principles – Todd Gordon 5 Chapter Using Options to Trade the Macro 12. for Trading Global Markets – Joe DiNapoli Chapter Understanding Animal Spirits Using 11.

William Glenn Chapter DiNapoli Leading Indicator Techniques 10. STRATEGY CREATION Chapter Chassis of the Financial Markets – 9. More Risk Does Not Always Equal More Return – Jason Roney Chapter Unit-of-Risk Ratios – A New Way to Assess Alpha Chapter Identifying Inflection Points in the Business Cycle – Raoul Pal Chapter Identifying Capital Flows in Financial Markets – Fotis Papatheofanous Chapter Creating an Environment for Identifying the Regime PHASE II. Per Unit-of-Risk Chapter Money Does Not Always Find Its Most 3. Chapter The Foundation for Maximizing Return 2. Printed in the United States of America 3 Editor: Michael Golik, CFA Contributing Authors: Foreword: Wesley Gray, PhD Neil Azous Cameron Crise Joe DiNapoli William Glenn Todd Gordon Patrick Hemminger Steve Hotovec Jessica Hoversen Timothy Jacobson, CFA Darrell Martin Raoul Pal Fotis Papatheofanous Jason Roney Robert Savage Denise Shull 4 CONTENTS Disclosure Foreword Chapter Introduction – John Netto 1.
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First published by Dog Ear Publishing 4011 Vincennes Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 ISBN: 978-145753-476-8 This book is printed on acid free paper. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.